Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

Do you believe that an economic crisis is ahead?

Experts make different forecasts: someone predicts a tough scenario, and someone is sure that the economy will not suffer much. Personally, I believe that any crises open up new opportunities, motivate, reveal our strengths and weaknesses, which should be worked on. Crises come and go, recession is replaced by growth. It has always been so. All that remains is not to panic, adapt and move forward.

And what do you think about this? Should we wait for an economic crisis or not? What does it depend on? Share 🙏 in the comments.

P.S. November is fully scheduled. An entry is open 📝 for December. All those who sign up for a photo shoot right now will get a great discount! Free dates 🗓are getting smaller, have time to book!


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