Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

😴 How to go to bed earlier?

Rest is an important component of success. If you rest well and get enough sleep, you will have more strength and energy for grandiose achievements. Have you decided to go to bed earlier, do you want to try on a new experience for yourself?

The following recommendations can help you with this.

📍Ventilate the bedroom, put aside your smartphone, laptop, watching TV at least an hour before the planned lights out;
Avoid drinks containing caffeine (they excite the nervous system and worsen the process of falling asleep), the alternative is herbal tea;
📍 Do not eat before going to bed (after eating, the body receives energy that needs to be spent);
📍 Eliminate intense physical activity in the evening (endorphins are produced in the blood, which are invigorating, as a result, it will be extremely difficult to fall asleep);
📍 Follow the daily routine;
📍 Set an alarm clock for falling asleep, train yourself to go to bed at a set time;
📍 Meditate before going to bed and include personal meanings in the morning (why will you get up today, what feats will you perform, what goals and desires do you have?);
📍 Dim the bright lights 2 hours before bedtime, turn on soft lighting;
📍 Create comfort for yourself: nice bed linen, comfortable mattress, high-quality pillows;
📍 Take a warm bath is a wonderful way to relax and tune in to a deep sleep.

I hope that the suggested recommendations will help you get a healthy sleep back.

Write in the comments that helps you personally. Tell us about your experience.


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