Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

🎭I get angry sometimes

🎭I get angry sometimes

🎭We are all living people and we all have emotions and feelings. Whatever they are, they are completely natural and they should not be shy. I am also angry, even though my clients see me calm.😁

🎭Often, people who do not fulfill their direct duties can make me lose my temper, even if they do not meet me very often. Also, it makes me angry when someone violates my boundaries and touches my personal belongings, but how do I work with these experiences?🧐

🎭In the first case, I can often leave a person and find another more responsible and necessary specialist

In the second case, I usually say directly that this or that thing belongs to me and I hate that someone touches it, be it a person close to me.🙃 Although sometimes you have to show your anger😅

🎭And do you hide your emotions or give them free rein? Share your opinion in the comments! I will be happy to read everything you have written :)


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